Rent a Car in Málaga with Canny Cars at the best price
Canny Cars
In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, concerning the services of the information society and electronic commerce and other legally applicable norms, we inform the users of the portal of the following items of general information: The present portal has been created and maintained at the request of Fast Parking Malaga S.L.
This is a company that is a legal entity with registered office at:
Calle Carril Montañez 17, Málaga (29004) (España)
Holds tax identification no.B16715823
Telephone: +34 952 576 155
Users can communicate with the company directly and effectively by writing to the registered office indicated in point 2 of this general information, and also by using any of the following methods: E-mail:
Conditions for use
The use or access to this site implies the knowledge of and full acceptance of the present general conditions and those that may be established at any time by Cannycars. As a result, it will be the responsibility of any visitor or user to read attentively the conditions for use in force each time that he accesses this web site.
Access to this web site is free and free of charge, except for the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network supplied by the access provider contracted by the users. If appropriate, the existence in this web site of services, the use of which is dependent on the payment of a price, will be duly notified in a timely manner to the user.
Access to this web site does not imply the establishment of a contractual relationship between the user and Cannycars, nor does it constitute a source of professional assessment.
The users of this web site assume the obligation of making correct and appropriate use of its services and contents, in conformity with the present conditions of use and with the legal order in force.
Except with prior express authorization by Cannycars, users may only use its contents and services for their own personal use, and hence, they will abstain from carrying out any act that directly or indirectly supposes a commercial use of these contents and services.
In any event, users will use the contents and services provided by Cannycars in accordance with the legislation in force and they will assume the responsibilities that they incur from behaviors or activities that, in any form, could be illegal or damaging to the rights of third parties or that could damage or impede the use of this web site by Cannycars or other users.
Industrial and intellectual property rights
The distinctive signs (graphics and word signs) that appear in this website are the exclusive property of their respective legitimate owners. As a result, their use is prohibited in economic dealings by third parties who lack the due authorization.
The contents, texts, photographs, designs, logotypes, images, sounds, videos, animations, recordings, computer programs, source codes and, in general, any intellectual creation existing in this web site, together with the site itself as a whole as a multimedia artwork, are protected as copyrights by the legislation in force in matters of intellectual property.
It is prohibited to reproduce, to store (except as necessary to load this web site in the browser or temporary storage), to transform, to distribute, to communicate publically, to make available to the public, and in general to use in any other form, by any medium or procedure, the whole or part of the contents subject to exclusive rights of Cannycars, unless there has been prior express authorization to this end.
The user will find different links to external pages over which Cannycars does not have any control and respect to which it refuses any responsibility. Their only aim is to facilitate access to other sources of information on Internet related with services offered or of general nature. The insertion of these links in this web page is inspired by respect of the rights of intellectual and industrial property, which, as appropriate may belong to their authors and legitimate owners.
Cannycars does not accept responsibility for the contents accessed by virtue of the mentioned links, or to the modifications that are made in the same, nor for the use made of these, nor of their technical availability. In spite of this, Cannycars commits to do everything possible to prevent the presence on its web site of links to sites with illegal contents or that promote illegal activities. In the event that you have effective knowledge that the information referred to by any link is illegal, we request that you inform us immediately by communicating to the postal and electronic addresses referred to in the heading of the Legal Notice, and Cannycars commits to act with due diligence to eliminate or disable said link.
The Internet user who wishes to introduce links from his own web pages to Cannycars’s web site must, in addition to obtaining the express authorisation to this end, comply with conditions that are detailed below, and lack of awareness of these conditions will not release him from the responsibilities derived from the Law.
The link will only direct the user to the homepage of this web site. In no event may the party who intends to insert said link store in any manner all or part of the contents of this web site without the express authorisation of Cannycars.
Completely prohibited are any practices that:
Produce or could induces to error, confusion or deception of users about the true source of the service or contents.
Suppose an act of comparison or unfair imitation.
Serve to take advantage of the reputation of the brand and prestige of Cannycars, its partners, administrators or employees.
Take any other form prohibited by the regulations in force.
Limit of liability
Cannycars commits to adopt measures to attempt to prevent the manipulation of its web site, so that third parties foreign to said company cannot include in this site illegal contents nor inexact or untrue information, or also to eliminate said contents and/or to correct and to prevent the access to data that might have been manipulated. We expressly notify you that Cannycars will not accept any liability for damages that may be derived as a result of content or information that was able be inserted illegally and/or deceitfully in its web page.
Cannycars adopts suitable security measures for detecting the existence of computer viruses. Despite this, because the security measures of computer systems in Internet are not completely trustworthy, Cannycars cannot guarantee that virus or other elements harmful for the user’s computer systems do not exist.
Cannycars will not be responsible in the event that interruptions in service, delays, errors, poor functioning of the site occur and in general, other inconveniences that have their origin in causes that are not under control of this company, and/or due to a fraudulent or culpable action on the part of the User and/or have their origin in reasons of force majeure. Understood under the concept of force majeure will be all events occurring out of Cannycars’s control, such as (including but not limited to): failure of third parties, operators or service companies, acts of Government, lack of access to third-party networks, acts and omissions of Public Authorities, and other events produced as a result of natural phenomena, blackouts, etc., and attacks by hackers or third-parties specialised in the security or integrity of the computer system, whenever
Cannycars has taken all existing security measures existing in accordance with the state of technology.
Cannycars will not accept any responsibility whether it be for direct or indirect damages, consequential damage and/or for lost profits, and it will have the right, without there being any compensation to the User for these items, to suspend on a temporary basis the services and Contents of the web site in order to carry out operations of maintenance, improvement or repair.
Notwithstanding all previous statements, we expressly declare that the present clause of release from liability does not have as its purpose to limit Cannycars’s liability in a manner contrary to the regulations in force, nor to exclude liability in cases which, by virtue of said regulations, it cannot be excluded.
Applicable law
The present conditions for use are subject to the Spanish legal system.